There is a large literature regarding the Wulff shape that minimizes surface energy for a given enclosed volume and the analogous kinetic Wulff shape that give the limiting shape of a crystal growing outwardly under diffusion control that has recently been reviewed.[32] The methods of construction are the same even though one is a minimization problem and the other is a long-time solution of a first-order nonlinear partial differential equation.
The method is one of iterative truncation of space by a set of half
planes-each half plane partitions the space into allowed and
disallowed half spaces. For each value of
a plane is
drawn normal to
at a distance equal to the value of
respectively and the half space of all the more distant points discarded.
this is done for all
, the remaining points form a convex body that is
the Wulff shape. The expression for the set of points which survive this
is given by
; substituting
gives the kinetic Wulff
The surface of the Wulff shape and the convexified -plot
or plot of the characteristics are the same shapes, even though they are
obtained by quite different mathematical or graphical operations. In the
constructions there is no restriction to
either continuous or differentiable functions. Because no differentiation of
date is used, the methods Wulff constructions may be quite superior for noisy
data. Even though
is expected to be smooth for solutions it is
worthwhile to propose a Wulff construction for solution and compound free
energy data.
In order to do this we need to convert into the Euclimolar free energy
. For the binary
regular solution
. The left hand panel of figure
3 shows
of the critical temperature, and therefore shows a miscibility gap.
The second and third panels show
, plotted respectively against
and as a radial plot, for this same temperature. The third panel shows in
addition one step in the Wulff construction for a single composition. A line
for that composition is drawn perpendicular to another
line from the origin with slope
and length
; all
points to the upper right of this line (shown gray) are discarded. Performing
the Wulff
construction on a finite set of
results in a fan of truncation lines
in the last panel.
clear area at the lower left is the chemical Wulff shape, whose envelope is
-plot. As with the
-plot such a figure plots chemical
potentials against each other, and compositions are obtained from slopes. It
single phases as continuous curves a two-phase equilibrium as the
The inverse Wulff construction, finding the distance of a tangent line
from the origin
corresponding to a particular composition recovers the Euclimolar free
energy. Note that this is equivalent to .
The concavity in the first panel of
Fig. 3
shows that at this
is not convex. The
corner in the Wulff construction in the last panel confirms this. Both are
appropriate criteria for nonconvexity of
. The convexity of the curves
in the middle two panels is of
Fig. 3 are of no importance;
even though
is not convex,
both curves are convex.
Herring's tangent sphere construction for finding stable
is an alternate test for convexity. But this construction works only for
positive functions. As can be seen in the third panel, it does not work for
a radial plot of a negative
Note that the two-phase corner does not touch the Euclimolar free energy plot; the gap is a measure of the reduction in free energy upon phase separation. The chemical Wulff shape does not give metastable phases or their equilibria, except when the entire curve of a stable phase is ignored in the construction. The undiscarded points in the interior of the lower left-hand area are not physically realizable, except possibly as an unknown stabler phase-an ice-9.[56]
Examples of the chemical Wulff construction for the three temperatures in Fig. 1 are illustrated in Fig. 4. They show not only the miscibility gaps at the lower temperature, but also the chemical potentials of the phases at various compositions derived from the normals. Note that in Fig. 4 that the Euclimolar free energy takes on some positive values as the temperature is decreased.