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- 1
V.F. Zackay and H.I. Aaronson, editors.
Decomposition of Austenite by Diffusional Processes, NY, 1962.
- 2
H.I. Aaronson.
Lectures in the Theory of Phase Transformations.
The Metallurgical Society, 1975.
- 3
R.F. Sekerka H.I. Aaronson, D.E. Laughlin and C.M. Wayman, editors.
International Conference on Solid
Solid Phase
Transformations. The Metallurgical Society, 1982.
- 4
C. Laird H.I. Aaronson and K.R. Kinsman.
Mechanisms of diffusional growth of precipitate crystals.
American Society of Metals, page 313, 1970.
- 5
J.E. Hilliard D. Turnbull, J.S. Kirkaldy and H.I. Aaronson.
On the teaching of a graduate course in phase transformations.
Journal of Metals, 27(9):24-29, 1975.
- 6
J.K. Lee G.J. Shiflet and H.I. Aaronson.
Application of the kaufman approach to the calculation of intra-rare
earth phase diagrams.
CALPHAD, 3(2):129-135, 1979.
- 7
H.I. Aaronson K.B. Alexander, F.K. LeGoues and D.E. Laughlin.
On representation of the GP zone solvus in Al-Ag alloys.
Scripta Met., 22:1671-1672, 1988.
- 8
H.A. Domian H.I. Aaronson and G.M. Pound.
Thermodynamics of the austenite proeutectoid ferrite transformation.
i, Fe-C alloys.
Trans. A.I.M.E, 236:753-767, 1966.
- 9
H.A. Domian H.I. Aaronson and G.M. Pound.
Thermodynamics of the austenite proeutectoid ferrite transformation.
ii, Fe-C-X Alloys.
Trans. A.I.M.E, 236:768-781, 1966.
- 10
H.I. Aaronson and H.A. Domian.
Partition of alloying elements between austenite and proeutectoid
ferrite or bainite.
Trans. A.I.M.E, 236:781-796, 1966.
- 11
J.R. Bradely G.J. Shiflet and H.I. Aaronson.
A re-examination of the thermodynamics of the proeutectoid ferrite
transformation in Fe-C alloys.
Met. Trans., 9A:999-1008, 1978.
- 12
J.K. Lee and H.I. Aaronson.
Application of the modified Gibbs-Wulff construction to some
problems in the equilibrium shape of crystals at grain boundaries.
Scripta Met., 8:1451, 1974.
- 13
J.K. Lee and H.I. Aaronson.
The equilibrium shape of a particle at macroscopic steps and kinks
and the Gibbs-Wulff construction.
Surface Science, 47:692-696, 1975.
- 14
H.I. Aaronson and J.K. Lee.
The kinetic equations of solid-solid nucleation theory, 'lectures in
the theory of phase transformations'.
The Met. Soc. of AIME, New York, pages 83-115, 1975.
- 15
J.K. Lee and H.I. Aaronson.
Influence of faceting upon the equilibrium shape of nuclei at grain
boundaries. i, two dimensions.
Acta Met., 23:799-808, 1975.
- 16
J.K. Lee and H.I. Aaronson.
Influence of faceting upon the equilibrium shape of nuclei at grain
boundaries. ii, three-dimensions.
Acta Met., 23:809-820, 1975.
- 17
H.I. Aaronson J.K. Lee and K.C. Russell.
On the equilibrium shape for a non-centro-symmetric
Surface Science, 51:302-304, 1975.
- 18
D.E. Graham S.P. Clough C.L. White J.K. Lee, D.W. Dooley and H.I. Aaronson.
Two families of analytic
-plots and their influence upon
homogeneous nucleation kinetics.
Surface Science, 62:695-706, 1977.
- 19
H.I. Aaronson G.J. Shiflet and T.H. Courtney.
Kinetics of the approach to equilibrium shape of a disc-shaped
Scripta Met., 11:677-680, 1977.
- 20
G.J. Shiflet K.C. Russell Kwai S. Chan, J.K. Lee and H.I. Aaronson.
Generalization ofthe nucleus shape-dependent parameters in the
nucleation rate equation.
Met. Trans., 9A:1016-1017, 1978.
- 21
J.K. Lee R.V. Ramanujan and H.I. Aaronson.
A discrete lattice plane analysis of the interfacial energy of
coherent fcc:hcp interfaces and its application to the nucleation of
' in Al-Ag alloys.
Acta Met., 40:3421-3432, 1992.
- 22
M.R. Plichta and H. Aaronson, editors.
The Massive Transformation. Met. Trans., 1984.
- 23
H.I. Aaronson.
On the growth mechanism of sideplates.
Acta Met., 11:219-223, 1963.
- 24
C. Laird and H.I. Aaronson.
Mechanisms of formation of
and dissolution of
precipitates in an Al-4Acta Met., 14:171-185, 1966.
- 25
H.I. Aaronson and H.B. Aaron.
The initial stages of the cellular reaction.
Met. Trans., 3:2743-2756, 1972.
- 26
J. Willard Gibbs.
On the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances (1876).
In Collected Works, volume 1. Longmans, Green, and Co., 1928.
- 27
J.C. Baker and J.W. Cahn.
The thermodynamics of solidification.
ASM Seminar Series on `Solidification', pages 23-58, 1971.
- 28
F. C. Frank.
The geometrical thermodynamics of surfaces, pages 1-15.
American Society for Metals, 1963.
- 29
J. W. Cahn.
Transitions and phase equilibria among grain boundary structures.
J. de Physique, 43(C6):199-213, 1975.
Also, Proceedings of Conference on the Structure of Grain Boundaries,
Caen, France.
- 30
Conyers Herring.
Some theorems on the free energies of crystal surfaces.
Phys. Rev., 82(1):87-93, 1951.
- 31
H.I. Aaronson and K.R. Kinsman.
Growth mechanisms of precipitate crystals.
Trans. A.C.A., 1:25, 1971.
- 32
Jean E. Taylor, John W. Cahn, and Carol A. Handwerker.
Geometric models of crystal growth (Overview no. 98-1).
Acta Met., 40:1443-1474, 1992.
- 33
H.I. Aaronson.
Atomic mechanisms of diffusional nucleation and growth and
comparisons with their counterparts in shear transformations.
Met. Trans. A, 24(2):241-276, 1993.
1990 Inst. of Metals Lecture.
- 34
H.I. Aaronson and Y.C. Liu.
On the turnbull and the cahn theories of the cellular reaction.
Scripta Met., 2:1, 1968.
- 35
J. D. Livingston and J. W. Cahn.
Discontinous coarsening of aligned eutectoids.
Acta Met., 22:495-503, 1974.
- 36
J. E. Taylor J. W. Cahn and C. A. Handwerker.
Evolving crystal forms: Frank's characteristics revisited.
In A Keller A. R. Lang R G Chambers, J E Enderby and J W Steeds,
editors, Sir Charles Frank, OBE, FRS, An eightieth birthday tribute,
pages 88-118, New York, 1991. Adam Hilger.
- 37
C.A. Handwerker J.E. Blendell Y.J. Baik D.Y. Yoon, J.W. Cahn.
In Interface Migration and Control of Microstructure, Metals
Park, Ohio, 1986. ASM Press.
- 38
C.A. Handwerker.
In Diffusion Phenomena in Thin Films and Microelectronic
Materials, pages 245-332, Park Ridge, New Jersey, 1988. Noyes.
- 39
I.M. Gelfand and S.V. Fomin.
Calculus of Variations.
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1963.
- 40
William W. Mullins.
Solid surface morphologies governed by capillarity.
In Metal Surfaces, pages 17-66. American Society for Metals,
- 41
Jean E. Taylor.
Crystalline variational problems.
Bull. AMS, 84:568-588, 1978.
- 42
E. Arbel and J. W. Cahn.
On invariances in surface thermodynamic properties and their
applications to low symmetry crystals.
Surface Science, 51:305-309, 1975.
- 43
J.E. Taylor.
Mean curvature and weighted mean curvature, overview 98(ii).
Acta Met., 40(7):1475-1485, 1992.
- 44
W.C. Carter and J.W. Cahn.
The morphology of corners, edges and facets and the thermodynamics of
phase stability useful insights by direct analogy.
Acta Met.
in preparation.
- 45
Kenneth Denbigh.
The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium.
Cambridge University Press, London, 1971.
- 46
David W. Hoffman and John W. Cahn.
A vector thermodynamics for anisotropic surfaces. i. fundamentals and
applications to plane surface junctions.
Surface Science, 31:368-388, 1972.
- 47
J. W. Cahn and D. W. Hoffman.
A vector thermodynamics for anisotropic surfaces. ii. curved and
facetted surfaces.
Acta Met., 22:1205-1214, 1974.
- 48
F. C. Frank.
On the kinematic theory of crystal growth and dissolution processes.
In Growth and Perfection of Crystals, pages 411-419. John
Wiley, New York, 1958.
- 49
F. C. Frank.
Z. f. Physik. Chemie N.F., 77:84-92, 1972.
- 50
J.W. Cahn and F. Larche.
A simple model for coherent equilibrium.
Acta Met., 32(11):1915-1923, 1984.
- 51
A.F. Andreev.
Faceting phase transisitions of crystals.
Sov. Phys. JETP, 53(5):1063-1069, 1981.
- 52
L.D Landau and E.M. Lifshitz.
Statistical Physics.
Pergammon Press, New York, 1963.
- 53
G.M. Pound S. Kaufman and H.I. Aaronson.
Nucleation sites of bainitic carbides in alloy steels.
Trans. A.I.M.E, 209:885, 1957.
- 54
W.C. Carter and J.W. Cahn.
Directs analogies between shape morphology and phase transitions in
ternary systems.
Acta Met.
in preparation.
- 55
W. Craig Carter and Carol A. Handwerker.
Morphology of grain growth in response to diffusion induced elastic
stresses: Cubic systems.
Acta Met., 41(5):1633-1642, 1993.
- 56
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Cat's Cradle.
Dell Publishing Co, New York, 1963.
pp 38-39.