Kinetics of Materials

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Page 227 — 3 corrections

Text following Eq. 9.26

Here, $ d$ is the average grain size of the columnar grains, $ J^B$ is the diffusional flux along the grain boundaries, $ \partial c^B/\partial x
= \left[ c^B(0) - c^B(l) \right]/l$ , where $ c^B(0)$ and $ c^B(l)$ are the diffusant concentrations in the boundaries at the source surface and accumulation surface, respectively, and $ l$ is the specimen thickness. In the early stages, $ c^B(l) \approx 0$ and, therefore, to a good approximation,

Eq. 9.28

$\displaystyle \rho = \frac{4}{\pi \delta^2}   \frac{^\star \! D^{XL}}{^\star \!
\left[ \frac{\ave {^\star \! D}}{^\star \! D^{XL}} -1

Test after Eq. 9.28

delete the -2 after cm in the second line following Eq. 9.28

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Kinetics of Materials 2006-01-04